International Competitive & Market Intelligence Conference 2024

To AI or not to AI? Find it out at the ICI Conference 2024

Your wake-up call
Most Competitive/Market Intelligence professionals have tried out Artificial Intelligence (AI) already. With bitter-sweet results, as taming this beast in trial-and-error-mode is not easy at all. Diving into AI beyond the many AI blurbs is key to success.

Our ICI conference 2024 will be your exciting guided expedition to discover AI best practices. Whether beginner or advanced you’ll learn how to exploit the power of AI to make your work life both, more productive and more fun. 

Comprehensive. Fast. Hands-on: ICI’s 2024 AI conference

Date Event Format Berlin
Jun 12 -
Sep 4

Free Pre Conference AI Challenge
Keeping Cool – a Competitive / Marketing Intelligence Project
Supervised challenge based on a practitioner case study.

Recordin avalable

Sep 19

Pre-Con­fe­rence Work­shop 

Mastering AI for CI/MI pro­fes­sio­nals

on-site & remote

Sep 19 Pre-Conference Networking Event 
Guided tour and dinner-talk
onsite 17:00-20:00
Sep 20 Conference Day 
7 top notch experts providing their hands-on use cases on AI for Marketing, Strategy, Analysis, Technology Scouting, and much more.
on-site & remote 09:00-18:00

ICI - Your Reliable Host

  • ICI has been the premier global educator for com­peti­tive and mar­ket in­tel­li­gence since 2004. We have deve­loped pro­prie­tary tea­ching mate­rials and ap­proa­ches.
  • ICI’s six certi­ficate pro­grams are fully ac­cre­dited, including ECTS credit points.
  • ICI’s faculty is truly inter­national, resi­ding in va­rious coun­tries. Origi­na­ting from di­verse indus­tries and func­tions, they share one com­mon de­no­mi­na­tor: Provi­ding excel­lence in compe­titive in­tel­li­gence prac­tice and theory.

Statements from our Participants

Thank you very much ...This was an excellent first experience of remote conference [...]

A new conference standard for virtual conferences [...] 

The speakers gave me interesting suggestions and input for my work. [...]

I liked especially the workshops before the conference, because it gives you the opportunity to endeepen your insights [...] 

This event is very much interactive, with Q&A and comments sharing after each speech, panel discussions,... So much fun! [...]

Great opportunities to share information and knowledge [...]

Very different (positively) from what I imagined! [...]

 I liked the networking, ... meeting people who use CI on a day-to-day basis. [...]

A well-designed conference,good networking opportunities [...]

There are a lot of experts who exchange their ideas and views [...]

There is so much knowledge out there that helps all of us to take CI to the next level [...]