Win Loss Programs: Your Secret Weapon to Capture Buyer and Competitor Intelligence

Do you want to improve your organization’s abi­lity to grow reve­nue, increase customer retention, and beat com­petitors? Win loss pro­grams are uni­quely designed to cap­ture intel­ligence through direct buyer feed­back, driving increased sales effec­tive­ness, impro­ved solution road­maps/pro­duct planning, and better pricing intel­ligence. Win loss pro­grams can also be used with exis­ting cus­tomers during rene­wals, upsells, and cross-sells, provi­ding criti­cal feed­back about your organi­zation’s servi­ces, support, and repu­tation among cur­rent custo­mers.

In this session, we’ll explore the evo­lution of win loss pro­grams, key internal win loss stake­holders, win loss tech­nology, repor­ting and ana­lytics, and the impor­tance of quanti­tative and quali­tative feed­back. The session will also cover best practices to ensure win loss insights are actionable and utili­zed at all levels and within all func­tions of the orga­ni­zation, helping to inform both tactical and strategic decision making.  

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the purpose and benefits of win loss programs
  • Learn win loss program best practices
  • Understand how to get started with a win loss program at your organization

Speaker Profile

Carolyn Klinger has over 20 years of ex­pe­ri­ence in com­pe­ti­tive intel­ligence, ma­rket in­sights, and cus­to­mer ex­pe­ri­ence, inclu­ding leading roles in con­sul­ting and cor­porate en­viron­ments. She currently serves as Director of Market & Compe­titive Intel­ligence at Affinity, a San Fran­cisco tech­nology start-up, and sits on the Board of Direc­tors of the CXPA, a global non-profit custo­mer ex­pe­rience orga­niza­tion. Pre­vious­ly, Carolyn worked at Nuance Com­mu­nica­tions, Primary Intel­ligence, Alcatel-Lucent, Juniper Networks, and Frost & Sullivan.

Carolyn has two master’s degrees, one from the Thunder­bird School of Glo­bal Manage­ment and a second from George­town University. She earned her bache­lor’s degree from Hood College in Maryland. Carolyn has also taken ad­vanced Com­pe­titive Intel­ligence, Strategic Plan­ning, and Strategic Mar­ke­ting courses at the California Insti­tute of Techno­logy, as well as Digital Mar­keting classes at the Uni­ver­sity of Illinois, Urbana-Cham­paign. Since 2007, Carolyn has taught on­line global busi­ness and manage­ment classes part-time at the University of Maryland.