Practitioner Case: Transforming Market Intelligence in VUCA World

In today’s business world the events like Covid C19 Pan­demic and any other Black Swan events have become the big­gest threat in the conti­nuity of profi­table business. Not only that, VUCA, short for volatility, unce­rtainty, com­plexity, and ambi­guity domi­nates the business risks. VUCA brings diffe­rent types of chal­lenges that demand stra­tegy and fore­sight to prepare the leader­ship in ad­va­nce of 3Ts - Trends, Threats and Targets. The Role of Stra­te­gic Market Intel­ligence becomes ever more chal­lenging and deman­ding. This presen­tation will share more on 3T Metho­dology and a chec­klist on how to bring clarity and struc­ture to intelli­gence from noise.


'Business is all about risk taking and managing uncertainties and turbulence.'
Gautam Adani, Indian businessman. 

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the needs of VUCA World - uncertain everchanging events bringing noise in data/information. 
  • How Market Intelligence is transforming businesses (3T- Trends, Threats & Targets methodology for account intelligence analysis).
  • Framework & Checklist to develop MI strategies in VUCA World.

Speaker Profiles

Biju Nanukuttan is a Senior Market Intelligence Leader with GE Digital, res­pon­sible for Smart Grid, Power, Oil & Gas port­folio of over $400+MM. 

An expert in Market Intel­ligence, primary and secon­dary re­search for bring­ing intel­li­gence insights to Senior Leader­ship. Deve­loped 3T- Trends, Threats & Targets me­tho­do­logy for account intel­li­gence ana­lysis.
An accom­plished market intel­li­gence expert in Con­nec­ted air­craft tech­no­lo­gies and avia­tion digital pro­ducts. Kai­zen expert for MI teams for Six Si­gma, value analysis, stra­te­gy work­shops. Lead stra­tegic mana­ge­ment of com­pe­ti­tive Intel and tool de­ve­lop­ment in Tech­nical/Com­pe­ti­tive/Stra­te­gic Mar­ket In­tel­li­gence for GE Po­wer, Re­newable (Wind & Solar Hybrid). He is inno­vation driven with 21 Patents in USPTO (GE Gold Meda­llist in In­no­va­tion). Pub­lished 12 papers in Na­tional Con­fe­ren­ces & Journals.
Biju has MBA Mar­ke­ting from Kuvempu Uni­ver­sity and MS in Mecha­nical Sys­tems De­sign from Mani­pal Uni­ver­sity. Re­cent­ly com­ple­ted Ex­ecu­tive Pro­gram in Avia­tion Ma­na­ge­ment from IIM Ban­galore and TBS Tou­louse. An Aero­nau­tical Gra­duate by training, stra­tegic thinker, creative colla­bo­r­tor and cu­rious Leader.